Saturday, June 27, 2015

Using Voice Thread - PLN # 3

Using Voice Thread
Below is my Voice Thread project.

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I had never used Voice Thread and found the video tutorials to be very helpful. I do not have any type of media saved on my computer that was appropriate for the project we were asked to complete so I decided to make my Voice Thread using Power Point. I'm familiar with Power Point so using this technology was an easy way to make my first Voice Thread. I googled some pictures for illustrations and found the words to my story from a book I had on hand from Reading A-Z entitled How Frogs Grow.  Once I had my Power Point set up it was easy to make a Voice Thread account and make my first project. So, for this project, I needed to be familiar with google, how to save pictures to my computer, how to use Power Point, and how to use Voice Thread.

I can  see where this technology would be useful in a classroom. I really liked how easy it was to record audio and leave comments. This would be great for group projects especially since students can use and edit the program at the same time. You could use Voice Thread to create and share projects and learning experiences from classrooms around the globe. If you were using this to discuss current events you could get first hand accounts from students who are living in the part of the world where the event is taking place. I could also see this being used for make up snow day projects by districts.

I googled how to use Voice Thread with k-3 graders and the K-3 Teachers Resources that asks users to comment on how they use different types of technology in the classroom.

If you scroll down to the first comment about Voice Thread (11-10-2012 posted by Donn) it links you a Voice Thread that was done by Mrs. Jones' first grade class in 2009. They created their own story page to the prompt If you give a __ a __.  The children narrated the story and what looks like parents made comments on the pages. It's one way to use this type of technology with younger students that I would definitely try in my classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so you can see my link to go to my voice thread but I'm not able to actually embed my voice thread into my blog. Maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
